    [views] => /ebsvol/prime/sites/
    [template] => advertising.revcatch.detection.64
    [Exception] => RuntimeException Template not found: advertising.revcatch.detection.64
RuntimeException Template not found: advertising.revcatch.detection.64

Advertise With Prime Publishing LLC

Working with us means having the confidence of knowing your business will be seen. If you're interested in advertising with us, contact us here.

What We Offer

By marketing through Prime Publishing LLC, you can reach an international audience of hundreds of millions viewers no other organization can deliver. As an advertiser, you will have a wide array of opportunities to engage our audience:

  • Banners in email newsletters nationally or geographically
  • Banners on web sites nationally or geographically
  • Social media integration and reach
  • Full page 'magazine ad' to email subscribers nationally or geographically
  • Custom research and surveys
  • Multi channel sponsorship and integrated advertising programs 

Banners and emails are targeted through pre-selected criteria or using customized models. Subscriber permission is vitally important. Therefore, client email is sent only to registered newsletter subscribers who have opted-in and confirmed their desire to receive such messages.

Our targeted media is specifically designed to generate a profitable response to meet your objectives. 

For more information, contact us here or visit our advertising page.


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