Do I Need a Watch Winder?                                                           

Do you need a watch winder? Watch windershelp keep yourtimepieces accurate… More

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What Does It Mean to be Swiss Made?                                                                               

Although your watch may be Swiss made, that does not mean that it is 100… More

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How to Choose a Sport Watch                                                               

When choosing a watch to wear for outdoor activities, there are a few key… More

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What is a Dive Watch?                                                   

What is a dive watch? Do only divers use dive watches? Are they practical… More

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A Beginner's Guide to Luxury Watches                                                                                 

Starting a watch collection can be daunting, especially if you don't know… More

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How to Choose a Dive Watch                                                             

Whether you make many underwater excursions or simply prefer the aesthetic… More

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How to Buy Vintage Watches on eBay                                                                             

A good rule of thumb for buying vintage watches on eBay is to buy only the… More

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